Friday, June 25, 2010

Oldie but Goodie 2 - Windows Live

Oldie but Goodie 2 - Windows Live

Ganked from one of my Facebook "thoughts"

I heard her ask:
So what the deal here? Tell me what I’m doing wrong. Ok I am young, “they” say I’m pretty enough (whatever that means these days), I own my own stuff, you know the usual, my cute apartment, my cute “It” car, I make enough bank, paper, loot…yadda yadda, I mean you would call me a “successful” woman.

Sooooooooooo ……why am I single?

I look around and see all my mates coupled up with their so called perfect “man” and I wonder where mine is? Or maybe HE is never coming? I want to blame so many people for this lack of men, maybe the Gays took all the good ones, maybe I passed my Mr. Perfect on this road to where I am , maybe maybe maybe and maybe gets me nothing.

No man, (at this point I would settle for a work in progress over a perfect man any day), No warm hugs to come to, no sweet caresses, no random flowers for just being me, no no no …NO-thing!
Now …Wait! Wait! Wait!!!!…before you say anything let me say that I am not picky…. ( I really and truly am not) I have done the dating thing and short of going on E-harmony I don’t think I can do it anymore. I am sick and tired of being with thugs, sick and tired of being with the wannabees and sick and tired of being with men (maybe even men like …).

So I ask you…Is there no sane, single, heterosexual, intellectual, God fearing (oh no... there I go again making lists, guys don’t like lists right? Ugh! but can you blame me?)hmmmm… So what do I use to judge? WHAT you mean I should have no morals? No yardstick? Let me get this straight…what you are saying is to accept the first man that looks at me long enough and be pleased that I at least have someone to call mine? AND? He might not necessarily be only mine? I have to share him with others? Hmmm let me think about that for a minute …(tick tock time goes on while I ponder)…

So in other words, what you are saying is that I cannot find a decent man who puts others above himself, is not afraid to show his sensitive side when the time calls for it, believes in something bigger than himself, a hard worker who is not afraid to treat me like the true woman I am and appreciate everything I can bring to the table? A man who knows money does not make him and that he makes the money. A man who knows that even though there’s only a letter difference between CLass and CRass he personifies the very example of class consistently. A man who is never afraid to speak his mind or let me speak mine because he is secure enough in himself to appreciate an alternative point of view …a man a man a man … a man like that for me!

Oh NO! Why are you looking at me in that way? Did I say something wrong? Oh there I go again it seems when it comes to men I am always DOING the wrong things, SAYING the wrong things, maybe BEING the wrong….Nahh THAT most certainly cannot be!…I am an educated, open minded, fun and empowered female who respects herself and the true men around her. I believe in my God and live my life in a way to please him constantly. I strive to make myself better everyday not only for my benefit but for the Man I will be blessed to call mine (and only mine ) one day…but until then…

What CAN I do? What SHOULD I DO? …now speak…

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