Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I would rather my clothes not speak for me ...thank you

So I die a little every time my pretty (yes they are pretty) eyes fall on these beautiful Brian Atwood Loca studded pumps...*swoon*...ahhh...(I need a moment to myself) today's topic is clothes that speak for their owners. I am not even talking about people being slovenly or not well put together. I am talking about those who "think" they are so well put together that they have to let their clothes "the labels" speak for them. A.k.a. I can afford to now shop at Saks 5th so I am going to let YOU and the rest of the world know it.

Is this really necessary? Trust me, we (and I speak for the rest of the world) dont care! I have an acquaintance who refuses to wear anything that is not name brand and I am sorry to say sometimes (ok ok most times) she looks like someone threw a bargain bin outfit on her. I dont blame her though, I blame the designers. I think sometimes they put things out there to see how they can "punk" the consumer. I know if I was a designer I would do that just to mess with peoples minds lol...innovative my behind!!!...Not everything is meant for everyone that should be all out mantras. But I digress ...ok lets look at these two outfits..
Now these are both Armani's but do you see my problem with one of them already? As a grown man or woman, do people really need to know what label is attached to your outfit? This has become a pet peeve of mine i.e., people in obviously "designer"pieces which half of the time is a knock off anyways. People we can do better. Lets all try to be like Bachelor number 2, dont ask me how I know he is a bachelor, a girl can dream can't she? Anyways back to the issue...lets leave the wearing of the labelled crap to the NASCAR drivers who are getting paid for the endorsements. Please!...Simple is best...when I met you I want to meet YOU and not what your recently acquired job has allowed you to purchase. Not cool ...not cool!!!

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