Friday, June 25, 2010

Have a Baby by me Baby!!!! - Windows Live

Ok so I am writing today with only ONE side of my face fully functioning, since the left side of my face or more specifically my left eye area, has just decided to “eff” effort and quit on me. (CRY for me ARGENTINA!!!) I have had a painful headache for a few months, getting progressively worse and now I am “blessed or cursed” depends on howyou want to look at it, with a sensation of a nail piercing that particular eye ball (not fun at all TRUST ME!)

Anyways I didn’t come to whine about my eye (or maybe I should)…lol anyways on we go…I was coming to work today when one of my new fav songs came on, “Have a baby by me baby Be a MILLIONAIRE”. I think this song must be the number one song featured on every Gold digger’s ring tone.(I can’t even lie I bump to it every time it comes on…wait Am I insinuating that I am a Gold Digger?) Ugh!!!!...Lol NEVER THAT!!!! Anyways that song gave me the perfect thing to talk/write about today.

Women who have babies with supposedly “rich” or “successful” men JUST for the “check”. Again the disclaimer: If you “happen” to have a rich baby daddy that’s YOUR problem, this is not an attack on you,

I am TALKING/WRITING about women who purposefully latch onto a rich man to have a kid so they “will be/might be” set for the rest of their lives. If you don’t believe me go listen to Kanye “Gold Digger” Sheesh!!! ANYfreakingWAY back to the topic… Have a baby by me Baby, Be a Millionaire is a very stupid move and here are my reasons why. Ok so you go through the nine months of pain, misery, fat, bloating yadda yadda to have a beautiful child (healthy, we pray). Now, if you got with the guy purely for that reason …then what?? Your child usually has no interaction with their father.

FAIL POINT 1!!!...Every child needs to interact with BOTH parents and that is why God in his infinite wisdom gave us TWO parents and not just one!!! Yes there are those unfortunate situations where a father CANNOT be a child’s life, we all know such situations but I posit that this is VERY different from making a choice to have a child knowing fully well that the father will choose not to be in that child’s life. That is not only callous but it has repercussions that affect you and the child way beyond that one stupid situation. Do you really want to bring a child into this world not giving them the best advantage possible? And if you do maybe we should revoke your birthing rights!!!!

Child support payments. Child support payments if I have read about them correctly (I must be a sad soul having nothing better to do with my time than investigate Child support payments right? So Sad!!) lol But yeah back to child support payments, now if I got this right then that is based on the income of the father right? So the more loot for him, the more you can wrangle out of him. Let’s then say after all your hard work said “successful” “wealthy” person loses their JOB or their LIFE!!! FAIL POINT 2!!! Whomp whomp!!! Now the sexy legal part comes into play. If the man has made no provisions for you and that child and was not fiscally sound Guess what…YOUR ASS might have to raise the baby ON YOUR OWN!!!...So we have progressed from being a broke single woman to being a broke single woman with a kid! (P.S. It costs about 187,408 to raise a child on an income of less than 38,000.00)

What’s Love got to do with it? FAIL POINT 3!!! Love has EVERYTHING to do with it. The first thing love has to do with concerns your relationship with the child.Do you really want to commit to having another human being you are going to be responsible for (FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE AND THEIRS) that you might not love because of the way you conceived him or her? Yeah best case scenario you see the child and you fall in love with them for who they are regardless of who their father is, but be realistic sometimes you see the child and he/she just reminds you of everything you have failed to do in life and you become resentful of both the child and your situation, when the child really didn’t beg you to bring him/her into the world.

The second thing love has to do with concerns your relationship with yourself (the love you choose to have showered on you.) Do you honestly want to have a child alone, those nights of cravings, when you want someone to just rub your feet, be in the hospital with you yadda yadda yadda DON’T YOU WANT THAT FOR YOURSELF?? Don’t you want you and your significant other to embrace having an extension of both of you come into this world and greet that extension with joy and happiness ??? (I WOULD!!!)

A third thing love has to do with is your relationship or in this case lack of relationship with the ONE!!!.We all know Karma is a big fat (female dog) Now How do you know that in chasing that stupid man and getting pregnant by him you are not evading the one true man that should/could/would have been yours if you had just waited? And then instead of a life of publicity, chasing a stupid man for money etc. etc. (basically a life of being pathetic) you could have had a life of peace with a man who truly always wants and wanted to be with you …“Have a baby by me Baby “ sounds like a very ideal situation for any woman truly tired of being an “Independent woman” and I can testify!!! (Don’t worry I don’t live or meet any successful men so boooooooooooooooo I can’t even if I tried lol) but in the long run you are wrecking more than just your life. Children are blessings from God and should NEVER be used as a pawn in your pathetic scheme to get to the top or be comfortable for the rest of your life. You’ve got a brain, a working mind, full use of your faculties USE THAT!!! There are so many people with less doing more!!!...Anyways I hope you get the main point I am making…As Beverly Sills says, “There are no short cuts to any place worth going”…Take your time, do the right thing and PRAY for the right situations!!! In the end you will be blessed for all that you do and who knows you might be the successful person some Ediot wants to “have a baby by”!!!!

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