Monday, July 5, 2010

Lets Build something together :)

These Jil Sander asymmetrical satin sandals make my heart flutter in special places ...*sighs* and they can make yours flutter too for the *low* *low* price of $322...60% off its original $805 price tag...come on sigh with me...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Ok now moving do Men approach you? Well let me tell you how it goes down for me... and the approaches I think do not work. I have truly never had a man/suitor attack problem. I have been told that my "face" usually deters would be suitors (and usually the few that get the balls to come up are more up for Talas bubbly personality than my cold self)...Anyways so my Tala was not around to save me yesterday and for the first time in a long time I was the recipient of
mucho attention.

Now in all honesty I thought I was just going to hang out with my friends so I dressed with that in mind, if I had known we would be chilling with other people I might have worn something different...but then there were girls there who were practically naked so it wasn't my clothing...

Lets talk about the approaches and the reactions. Maybe because I am at the beginning stages of getting to know someone I like, that has given me tunnel vision. But I would like to think that if I was hit with the "right" approach then that would motivate me to give the other guys a chance.

1. The overly aggressive guy who seems to never get the girl:
We always hear that the nicest guys finish last. I don't quite agree!!! Nice guys can finish first if they play their cards right. You can be a nice guy, be a gentleman, offer me your seat, get me a drink but then know when to give me my space. There were a lot of nice guys but they seemed more interested in oogling my legs...thats not a cute look then you make the girl feel like a piece of meat...ok i guess they werent really nice guys...onto to the next kind...

2. The guy whose only worth is his net worth:
We get it, you are rich, you can afford everything. If you are stupid guess what, that ability to afford anything and everything is not a plus anymore. You just become fodder for good Gold diggers. Switch it up, read a book once in awhile, the Internet has made learning fun, pick a topic, any topic that interests you and read up and become knowledgeable about that topic.

3. Mr. I am a Gangster Thug:
The ones who come up with the "hey Ma's" and overly aggressive stance like we are supposed to be engaging in an MMA fight and not a conversation. SOOOOO NOT sexy!!! I don't know how many women still want the cave man like me hit you on the head me take you home now. Learn some manners, learn to smile, learn some vocabulary in addition to the Hey ma...

4. The timid one:
The guy who is usually very cute but behaves so shy it reduces it cute potential SIGNIFICANTLY!...This isnt a war, if you approach you the most I can say is be gone...(and that is the WORST case scenario. By standing in the corner and staring me down that is not sexy its creepy...change up your game...

5. Mr. Popular:
AKA Mr. I can get any girl in here so you should feel privileged I decided to approach you. These men approach you like a business merger. Everything is in terms of what YOU can do for THEM since they are all that anyways. *Sigh*...Be gone...No girl/woman wants to feel like the only relevance she plays in a man's life is to play the silent pretty girlfriend. Ok maybe some women like it I dont.

Getting back into the dating scene is very interesting especially coming from a communication and gender communication specialization. One could say I over analyze everything but my response would be typical ..."research has shown that..." lol...well we wait to see what other kind of men I meet over this summer period and if you are any one of these men described here, please SWITCH it up! You are not doing yourself any favors. :)

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