Thursday, July 8, 2010

Cohabitation...Welcome to Hell where you are welcome to sell :)...

I loveeeee...this Alice + Olivia Jasmine ruched silk dress, it would work perfectly for that second date *sigh*...Anyhoos...if you want it go get it...its a mere "$420" (i think) :)...and since I put you on to it can you get 2 and send me 1? Mucho gracias :)

Ok so today the topic is on cohabitation :). Living together before marriage or as my mother would say "living in sin" ahhhh Mrs. A and her dramatics :). I don't think I have a personal opinion about living with your significant other when it comes to other people but I would not do it (barring some major financial necessity) and these are the reasons why.

Why pay for the cow when you can get the milk for free? I am the kind of person that tries to make my surrounding extremely comfortable for me at all times. If I am with someone who does not share my (OCD) cleaning tendencies then I am going to be stuck cleaning forever which will eventually make me get sick of the person and vice versa. What if we have the same cleaning tendencies? Oh fun!!! but in all my 20 something years I have never met anyone who essentially the person is getting a personal maid, chef and warm body to sleep next to, and I get....squat!

Also lets not even play around, men can be dogs!!! Once he gets used to you and all your quirks he is busy looking for greener grass somewhere else. I think it is important to maintain some sort of mystery, allure so he feels like he never truly knows all of you at any given time.

Familiarity breeds contempt. There are just little quirky things about one's significant other that will bug you. While you are dating one might be tempted to try to "change" this which may lead to even more problems. When you are married and basically stuck with each other, compromise is a word that really sticks out...I think (and this is a personal opinion) one is less likely to compromise when its just dating versus marriage. I could be wrong, you tell me.

Its against my religion and culture. My Catholic faith says no can do! If he wants the goods he must put a ring on it. Now what do I really feel about this? Well, at my age I am not trying any trial and errors. I have told all my friends that the next guy I introduce as my boyfriend is going to be a fiance and then a Husband (God willing). If you think we are compatible enough to move in together, then we should be compatible enough to get married!

What about the argument that sometimes it is better to test the waters before marriage?...You get a side eye from me :). This is not a machine you are buying from a store, it is the emotions and interactions of two HUMAN beings!!! During your dating phase you should be able to "learn" all the essential things about your mate, and if you feel you dont know them well enough, then guess what maybe you should not be getting married. It is not a race!!!

For me cohabitation just brings a myriad of problems. What happens when you break up? Who leaves? Who stays? Who pays for what? How do you prevent one person from taking advantage of the other? Ok maybe you are paying rent etc. but then you are a dirty pig whom I constantly have to clean up after...etc. etc. I have friends who are happily living with their significant others and they get no shade from me at all. If they can do it, good for them, it is just not for me :). Cohabitation is an interesting issue that draws varied responses from various people, some love it, others think its a bad idea. I have outlined my views...what do you think?

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