Monday, July 19, 2010

Frenemy...definition...someone I dont need/want.

Anyone who knows me knows I have an obsession with all things "cat" like. I also love unique rings so this Kenneth Jay Lane Silver plated Swarovski panther ring is touching all the right places in my heart...and it is affordable too 70% down from $120 to $36. I just told Francis I wanted it so we wait and see :) I am too broke to get it right now *sigh*...soooooon ...soooon....

The topic today is Friendship. I was taking stock of my week (my last week obviously) and going over things I had done, how I had reacted to various situations and occurrences, etc. so I can learn from all that and better myself for this week and the weeks to come. In performing this life inventory, one thing I noticed was that I happen to be blessed with a very strong (cant figure out the word I want to use here so I will say) blessed to be surrounded by love.

Now this is not to be confused with just boyfriend romantic love, but rather love from my true "fan" base, I wont start naming names otherwise I will be here all day. This realization, that I really had people I could count on humbled me and also made me think back to the times when I did not, or at least I was not sure I did. Losing a friend (not through death but simply growing apart) is a difficult experience because as with any relationship you invest your time, effort and emotions into that friendship and then when it is done there is a sense of betrayal (at least for me there is). I feel as if the person was not who they claimed to be and that if they were then we would still be friends. ( Maybe the person also feels the same way about me ...oh wells...lessons to learn from).

Eitherways, do you have good friends? I mean some truly awesome kick ass kind of people in your life? People who support you and your dreams? People who are able to step outside the picture and advise you based purely on their logical appraisal of a situation? People you can keep it real to who might hate you in that particular instance but then you have no fear of them calling/coming back around because you know they truly have your best interest at heart? I do.(yes you may hate me now) :)

A few years ago, I thought I had the ultimate dream team (well Naa was slightly iffy, shes so special lol) but yeah I thought I had a group of friends that I could really count on through thick and thin. They did things I did not always like and agree with but I knew the importance of compromise, enough that I let these things slide. If I had taken my head out of my *dark no entry zone* for a minute and truly looked at the relationships/friendships I was involved in, I would have realized that there was something wrong from the get go and for some things, i.e. long term friendships you cannot simply put a bandage over certain hurts and keep it moving. The sore just festers until it becomes a diseased mess which then needs to be cut off. *Lesson learnt*

A popular saying goes, to have a friend, be a friend. If there is someone who is always trying to bring you down, is constantly negative, seems to delight in your downfall, can never spare a moment, a kind word you really need to let that person go, no matter how rich or efficient or beneficial (otherwise) they are to you. I think sometimes we hold on to people because we think we cannot do any better. Oh if I lose this friend I am too old now to start making new friends so I will just stick around, it cannot get any worse lol. DONT DO IT!!!!...

The best(est) feeling in the world is knowing that you are loved and you have people you love right back. 50/50. When you don't have, these people are willing to see you through and when you do hey its a big party all around. I know I have my flaws (and all) but my friends truly bring out the best in me with the little examples of human kindness they portray each and everyday. Obviously not everything they do is shouting worthy but I see it and I appreciate them even more for these little things they do not thinking anyone else notices.

I hope I am in someone's life, the example of what a true friend should be, as my friends have been in my life. They keep me grounded, keep me on my toes, keep me laughing, essentially they keep me living a purpose driven life. We may not believe the same things, worship the same God(s), have the same cultures etc. but we are able to transcend these differences to enrich each others lives in a positive and real way and for that I always thank God.

The world is a cold and dark place why seek to make it colder and darker with negative people around you? Cut them off and as T.D. Jakes says "Let it go". Take stock of your life, if a person is simply in it without contributing anything worthwhile, pray for them and release them. Look at your own life, are you contributing positively to the people around you or is it time for other people to let YOU go? I think as one gets older the things that matter the most become painfully obvious, and one of these things I have grown to appreciate and cherish is the love of good and true friends. I am blessed to know the people I know and I pray you feel the same way :).

Don't spend major time with minor people.
If there are people in your life that continually
disappoint you, break promises, stomp on your dreams,
too judgmental, have different values and don't have
your back during difficult times...that is not a friend.
Remember what your elders used to say, "Birds of a
feather flock together.
If you're an eagle, don't hang around chickens: Chickens Can't Fly!

To have a friend, be a friend.
Sometimes in life as you grow, your friends will
either grow or go. Surround yourself with people who
reflect values, goals interests and lifestyle. Over
the years my phone book has changed because I changed
for the better. At first you think you're going to be
alone, but after a while new people show up in your
life that make your life so much sweeter and easier to

When I think of any of my successes, I am thankful to
GOD from whom all blessings flow, and to my family and
friends that enrich my life. I love the Lord and thank
Him for all that he does in my life.
Yes I do love Jesus. He is my source of existence and Savior. He keeps me functioning each and everyday. *

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