Monday, December 13, 2010

Life is GOOD...but lets Plan just in case...

Life is good, but you might not agree with that after having to look at the hideousness I have up today. Well this dress just goes to show not everything "Designer" is good. If I ever got this dress I would burn it immediately. It has the nerve to be $3195 original price now "only" $958 and change. Even if they paid me that amount I still would not wear this dress. YUCK!!!!

Moving right along, so third week into advent...what useful thing have you done for someone else? I know I haven't done my advent thing "yet" but trust as soon as I get paid I am taking care of my various charities :).

So what gems of wisdom do I have for you today? PLANNING!!!
Most people who know me know that even when it looks like I do not have a plan, I probably do have one. I cannot make a move without planning. I dislike people that just want to go with the flow. Then when the flow is slightly irregular or overflowing then they are all over the place. Not a good look. I know I annoy my friends when it seems I want to overplan the simplest things, but if I have a plan then I can prevent us from wasting money or time, because obviously if you dont have a plan then you have to go with what life throws your way, whereas if you have a plan then you can figure out the cheapest option etc. PLAN!!!!

Now what exactly am I referring to when I say planning? Planning can encompass so many aspects of ones life. Well I mean the total package, your life plan, your money plan, your possible future plans etc.. Now the non planners will be quick to say "ish happens" what happens when your plan/plans do not go according to plan? Then you have to start all over again with your no plans." I would counter that when you make a plan you do take into consideration that life happens and you allow your plans to be flexible.

Money planning:
Raise your hand if you know someone who the recession hit extra hard because they were so sure they would always have their high paying jobs and had no back up funding/plans? I empathized with them but I did not have any pity because it is absolutely beyond me how you can be earning 100k+ be single with no dependents and still be broke...(*side eye*). Some people here will jump down my throat and say "well you dont have a savings plan so whats your excuse?" My excuse is that I was never earning that amount of money!!! Ok lets even forget about 100k friends, what about that friend who makes about what you make or slightly more who borrows money from you because they are broke and yet they are always traveling or wearing the cutest outfits they JUST bought?? First of all, can you pay me? Secondly, why will you not be broke if you are shopping your life away? I can talk about this person because that used to be me. Not the borrowing money not paying back bit, but the shopping when you have no money to your name. I have finally learned how to kick that habit. I now shop in my wardrobe since I have so many things I have never worn.

How to plan your money:
If you are broke like me here some tips that help me that may help you:
1. Consolidate your debt: I do not mean find the first company and just sign up. Do your homework and find a reputable non profit agency that can help you do this. Once you get all your debts in one place then you can work to tackle the debt beast. (Also you keep your individual accounts from accruing more interest).

2. Aint no shame in coupon use:
I used to be one of those people who thought if you used coupons you looked poor to the rest of the shoppers in line. Until I went one day and purchased $70 worth of groceries for about $30. After that I am on the hunt for any and all coupons. I like the website Mygrocerydeals because it is easy, I am able to compare deals and figure out what I want to buy before I go to the store. Impulse buying is the devil for a person trying to save. Have a list and only buy from the things on your list, TRUST ME!!!

3. Stop eating out:
I always like watching those money help programs on CNN (Suze Orman, Till Debt do us part) and it kills me when the people are broke broke broke and still manage to spend money on eating out. CUT IT OUT!!!! If you are really craving something...cook it, trust me the first few times you will be off, but you will finally get the hang of it and save some money.

4. You want to spend how much on the club/bar?
Everyone likes to go out and have a good time. My trick is forgoing something for the weeks I know I want to go out. If I know I will be going to party maybe something I would do for myself I will not do and save that money and put it all in the partying. Again I cannot understand people who complain about being broke and yet they are the first ones you will see at every event. Stay home!!!

5. Dont be afraid to say I cannot afford it:
I can remember a time in my life where I had to turn any trips down because I could not afford to go ...wait ...I am still in that time lol. Seriously though, you have to remember to cut your coat according to your size. Yes I have friends who can at the drop of the hat fly somewhere for the weekend, I know that is not what my pocket can afford, so when they invite me I politely decline and keep it moving. I am not going to put all my money for a trip then come home and thanks. I know sometimes I have said no and people thought I was being "somehow" because of the notion that my dad pays for everything so if I really wanted to I could go. Those people are does it look at age 20 something asking my dad to pay for me to go on a trip...despite what you may have heard, my daddy aint no fool and he aint no running money tap either. He will pay for the essentials and nothing more, and for me to even expect him to pay for anything else is very stupid and selfish on my part. So when you invite me on that trip and I say no mas, I am not being "somehow" I just cannot afford it "yet" :). Do not let anyone guilt you to do anything you know you cannot afford to do.

Now lets move onto the more general aspects of planning, i.e., Planning for other parts of your life:

Know what your long term and short term goals are:
I dislike the phrase, I want to be rich. Its vague and useless, who in the right mind wakes up and says I want to be poor? How are you going about getting rich? It upsets me when I see focused men/women get with partners who have no plans except they want to make money and be rich one day. What steps are you taking to make sure that happen? Do you have a degree? Do you have multiple degrees? Do you have experience? Are you getting experience? If you answer No to all the above, then I really do not think you want to be rich!!!

What if my significant other is not on my plan wave length?
Planning in relationships is crucial. Without a plan where are you heading? Or are you guys doing a "see how far" relationship where the time will dictate where the relationship goes? Now do not confuse planning with dreams. Yes we all want a platinum style wedding etc. etc. is that a plan? Not unless you have platinum style money. What I mean is that you and your significant other figure out your ultimate time line, what you want to achieve at certain points in time. These plans are not set in stone and can change as the relationship changes. If your significant other runs or hides anytime you bring up the planning topic, then you need to run. Or if they go on about vague things like " I want to be rich" run!!! :). Honey what are we doing with our lives, are you in school? trying to be in school? are you working? are you saving? how much debt do you have? what is the timeline to pay that debt off? Etc. these are all crucial questions you need to discuss.

Ok so you've done it. You've made some pretty awesome plans now what? Well...
Follow through with your plans:
It is not enough for you to wish to be rich and to have a plan. You actually have to follow through with this plan in order to see how feasible or impossible it is. If it doesn't work, then you can redo the plan until it works. I need to take this to heart myself, there are so many things I have going on in my head that I need to put on paper and start working on actually following through with.

I am a planner and I will probably be a planner for the rest of my life. Planning is the reason my father was able to afford my education and that is a good enough example for me. Even if you are not a planner by nature, start with baby steps, daily plans, weekly plans, and then you can grow onto the other major things when these things become a part of you. Planning helps you think about the future and what you want your future to look like.

Proverbs 12:5
The plans of the righteous are just, but the advice of the wicked is deceitful.

Proverbs 12:20
There is deceit in the hearts of those who plot evil, but joy for those who promote peace.

Proverbs 15:22
Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.

Proverbs 16:3
Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.

Proverbs 16:9
In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.

Proverbs 19:21
Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.

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