Monday, December 6, 2010

If your friends jumped off a cliff...would you?..Empathy not Apathy ...

Everything about this is perfection. The buckles on the dress fit the buckles on the bag and even the ones on the shoes...sigh...yes yes you know it...I DIE!!!!! Its Michael Kors and I found it using Followsales but it is actually on the Bergdoff Goodman website which you can find by click here.

Ok so I am slightly antsy. I did some work online for a company (name withheld for now) and getting them to pay is getting long. I would hate to have to go all out on them but nothing is free in this world and a girl has got bills to pay. So watch this space for if they pay and how I plan to get my money if they dont, you might learn some legal/ethical ways to get payment for online services rendered. You know legal and ethical and two biggies...if you are doing something unethical and illegal to get paid, then you are no better than the person who is refusing to pay you. Do stay tuned (cue the dramatic music.... )

Moving right along, today's topic is one that I have talked about a little bit before but is still bugging me enough that I need to bring it up again. Those annoying change your status for a cause Facebook messages. Ok by show of hands, how many of us really do much more than change our status and not really pay attention to why we are being asked to do this?

I know I dont. Yes I know some people argue that putting these messages up on Facebook will raise a greater awareness blah blah blah...I say blah!!! Most of these people are just looking for a fad, something to jump on and call it a day. People are fickle and in order to get them to do something in this day and age you actually have to call them out to do what it is you want. These Facebook status changes do nada but cheapen whatever message you are trying to put across.

I think for people to make their cause impact Facebook in a more positive way, they need to encourage people to actively participate in some way besides just changing one's status. For example how about giving ebadges for people who actually participate in a forum or some other symposium that educates people about your cause?

How about having a Facebook page dedicated to your cause where you pick random people to write something or present a discussion point related to the cause every 45 minutes or so. I would feel more challenged by a cause that actively seeks my participation than one that just wants me to change my status so I can feel good about myself.

These quick make yourself feel better schemes are annoying to me because they stroke the egos of our current generation. Whereas in the past people actually sacrificed for the causes they believed in, I feel as if our generation just likes to jump on the bandwagon of what they think its cool, and its "on to the next one" as soon as something new comes around. Causes should not compromise their stance just so they can be consumed by the population for their 15 minutes of fame. If you have something worth standing up for, be consistent in your message and in your method and those who truly will provide the backbone for your cause will come out and be there for you through thick and thin.

The next time you see a Facebook message asking you to do something, I challenge you not to do it but to educate yourself about the cause being advocated and post a thought provoking question or finding about that specific cause. I believe this will provoke more discussion and education, rather than blindly following your friends leads and changing your picture or your status. Let us learn to be more empathetic than apathetic in the way we treat the things we are supposed to care about. If you truly do not care, then do not waste my time by posting these things and urging me to do the same. Knowledge is power if we truly bother to know what is worth knowing. Think about something greater than yourself for once and see how much of a difference it makes in your life.

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