Monday, November 8, 2010

Imma be happy for you but ...just know...Love doesnt last...

I absolutely love this Erdem Andreanna printed silk-satin gown.
Its so classy and chic looking. It would be so perfect for that wedding or other serious occasion. If you love it too, you know the drill, click the link above, its on sale for $730.00.

Ok so whats on my mind today? Well over the weekend we had a lot of interesting talks about relationships and expectations and so on. Basically it seems most people do not believe love exists anymore. Every occasion of and for love is treated as a fluke or as not lasting. People want to believe that its all well and good that you are happy now BUT get ready for trying times or it may not last ...because...(because what exactly I am not sure). Gabe put it most eloquently when he said, Love takes a back seat to economics and thats the way our generation approach loving and hearing and dealing with love. (Yes you have my permission to have a sad face at that).

Lets be real. These days you hear your good friend or lets make it more general, you hear someone you know is in a relationship, honestly what is the first thing that pops to mind? How long its going to last, don't lie I know you think it. Or maybe you are more jaded and think who is cheating or who is going to cheat first?

At least that's the feeling I get from most people. Its like happy couples have to preface speaking about their happiness by saying "at least in my case", or " as far as I know", or "I dont know if this will change" so "later" when things go south no one judges them. The concept of this "later" never coming seems totally foreign. For people who are being told about happiness and love existing within couples, you see the all too familiar head nod, eye rotation and some other quip about all men being dogs or all females having ulterior motives. Or even better they congratulate then go behind your back to make some silly statement (Not cool).

I find it really sad and pathetic that this is really what it has come to. That people cannot hear someone is happy and just leave it at that. Let's stop it!!!Pray for the success of the couples we know and keep it moving. The more couples that get together, the more weddings there will be and I hear weddings are awesome places to meet singles :). I have started making it a habit not to tell people except my closest friends about my life and love situations because I do not need anyone's negativity surrounding me or my relationships.

You can be the happiest person on this earth with the most amazing partner and let people talk so much you confuse yourself. Then you start doubting what you have and self fulfilling prophecy you stop being the YOU that person fell for and start being a psycho which is what they did not want. Guess what? Then he or she leaves and all you say to feel justified is, "I knew it was too good to be true" or "my friends were right" etc. No, you listened to the nay sayers and landed yourself in your situation. Now I am not saying do not listen to advice about your relationships, that would be stupid. Know how to separate the advice from the BS. You know which of your friends are really friends and which are just there to party. Sometimes in a relationship you dont see the 360 view and thats where good friends help out. Take heed to what they are saying but make up your mind for yourself in the end (after a lot of prayer). Not everyone is jealous of your relationship. For example if you say he or she loves you because when they are good they are really good but when they are bad....hmmm... and your friend tells you to walk...obviously in that case I cosign what your friend is saying. I am talking about more general situations where there is nothing wrong but people want to introduce possibilities. Well you are not always around, what if he cheats, etc. Well youve never met his mom what if? Well she introduced you as her friend what if?....those are the situations you need to think for YOU (and pray about). Yes the prayer theme is major. I do not make a move without praying about it.

Do I allow someone else to dictate how my relationship will go? Or end? Not me, no thanks. I will let you know right now, I know men have their good days and their bad days, a good man can make a mistake same as a good woman. I will not pretend as if my man can never make a mistake. I will also not let what peoples perceptions of a relationship entails dictate how my relationship will go. I am happy, I will continue to be happy. I refuse to entertain thoughts about what if, and when if, that's how the Devil gets in. I am going to say I am happy and leave it at that.

Stop letting peoples negativity invade your life. Oh well I don't know your guy well but men usually...NO! If they don't know them then they cannot make an informed decision. Or I personally don't know your girl but I "hear" shes been around. NO! Again if the person doesn't know your girl then why are they spreading gossip? Let your relationship be about and between you and your partner and GOD. These are the only three people that can affect and should affect the relationship, everyone else is just interference. Pray consistently. The only thing we know with certainty is that we are born and we will die. What we also know is that we have a loving God who wants the best for us even in times when it looks like its not peachy. Hold on to this God through the good and bad and your relationships should withstand whatever comes its way.

Love because you can, and love with all you have. Forget the past (sigh yes that part is hard), make new memories, break old destructive patterns, pray pray pray and enjoy your love and lets pray:

Heavenly father, thank you for the blessing you have given me in this person. Thank you that he/she shows me everyday how love is truly supposed to be. Continue to use us to fulfill your will on this earth. Amen

1 John 4:16 NIV And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.

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