Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Man's favorite 3 letter phrase....no not 'I love U' BUT..."R U PMSing?"

I picked this dress for Naa, because even though its a gown and not a wedding dress, these are the colors she wants in her wedding dress (but prolly not the colors I will let her wear we will see). This Marchesa silk chiffon dress is so light and effortless, I love it. If you love it too then do the do and click here. It is 70% off its original price and now "merely" $1455.00.

Moving right along. So I was laying in bed yesterday (dont be jealous I was not feeling well) and flipping channels (because we all know day time TV sucks), but I happened to flip to a channel with a program (The Doctors) where a couple was talking about PMS in their home. Ok big deal PMS...Yes it is a big deal. Now what I found interesting was the fact that the man wanted to know when his wife was PMSing and actually had a phone app to tell him. His significant other on the other hand was saying she did not like that app and did not want him to know when she was PMSing as he would blame everything on her PMS in that time period.

Ok (if you are a woman), raise your hand if you have ever heard the phrase, "Is it that time of the month", or "It MUST be that time of the month" or better yet, "Are you pmsing?"
Well I got both hands up in the air, waving them like I just don't care because I have heard those phrases enough times. ( Thank you Emeka). I get infuriated every time I hear any variation of those phrases when I am having an argument with a significant other because in that instance he is trying to reduce me to an incoherent, illogical being because its "that time of the month".

PMS funny enough can go one of two ways, i.e., could be beneficial or could hurt. It can be used to diminish a woman's accountability i.e., the PMS defense ( I bet you never heard of it)...well basically under this defense women can say "I didnt mean to x, y, z) and it is a legal defense. Read more about it here. This defense has not been used in America yet so hold your horses. The other way this can go is the way that most of us have experienced when we are dismissed because we cannot be competent during "that time of the month".

Personally, the way you can piss me off is to suggest that I am PMSing. I do not care if I am or I am not. That is not your call to make. I do not buy into the whole PMS thing really, I find that stress has more to do with the way I behave at any given point in time. If I am stressed out then obviously I am going to get mad at the little things, PMS or no PMS. If I am relaxed, however, then I have a higher tolerance to deal with the BS life throws my way. We women are going through a lot of hormonal changes when PMS comes around we are down, up, sad, moody etc. the last thing we want to worry about or think about is how we are being judged by another person who can never truly experience what it is we are going through.

So what about the men who want to arm themselves for this dreaded PMS season when it hits. I say stop being a dick about it. Why does everything have to be brought down to something hormonal? If you think there is something going on and she is stressing more, get agitated easily etc., isnt it your place to try to relax her and make her feel more at ease? How does throwing it into her face that she is PMSing help either of you? Do you get a cookie for that? Nope...Do you make your woman feel bad? Yes. So then why do it?

The one thing you can do to truly warrant the stupid label in my book is to ever suggest that something I do is as a result of PMS. I think this applies to most women, so guys please resist the urge to be THAT guy. If you think your woman is being irrational or illogical, irrespective of the time try to be the OTHER guy, you know the one who is kind and sensitive and caring because ultimately that is what makes you a good boyfriend.

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